Understanding and appreciating farming and forestry on Dartmoor
What does success look like?
Visitors, policy makers and local communities will understand the central role that farming, and forestry play in producing food and a range of environmental goods, including landscape character and that this relationship between people and the land is a rich and valuable part of our cultural heritage. Better understanding and appreciation will lead to lower levels of anti-social behaviour including speeding, livestock worrying by dogs and illegal camping.
How will this be achieved?
Partners will achieve this through a range of training, advice, new projects, working groups and networks, including the following priorities:
- Through Our Upland Commons (2021-2025) develop engagement activities that will provide educational opportunities linked to farming and forestry. This will include activities such as ‘The Great Gather’ and the Walling Club
- Annual Visitor publications, key websites and National Park Visitor Centres will have a coordinated message which highlights the role of high environment, low carbon farming and forestry systems in managing and enhancing the National Park and producing healthy food, fibre and other products. Behavioural change and perceptions will be monitored through the National Park Visitor Survey and feedback from farmers and foresters
- Through the Rural Crime Initiative and working closely with the farming community and the Livestock Protection Officer (LPO) develop a programme of education and awareness work linked to dog worrying and road traffic incidents focused on hotspots and seasonal trends. Communicate the ‘hidden costs’ of anti-social behaviour at the farm level and use this to inform educational messages. Monitor data through the LPO records and analyse historic records to improve understanding of trends
- Improve and, if necessary, increase signage to ensure public awareness and understanding of issues (dog worrying, road traffic accidents, litter, dog fouling / worming etc.) Including, a targeted initiative to provide on-farm interpretation (linked to the Dartmoor Story and Love Moor Life) in key honey-pot locations.