Military training

Dartmoor has been an important location for military training since at least the 19th century, fulfilling an important national requirement. Military training is mainly delivered through landowners granting permission for it to occur on their land with some MOD freehold land around Willsworthy. Concerns have been raised in the past regarding conflicts with the statutory purposes and special qualities due to restricted access and impacts of live firing on tranquillity. However, management of the training area can also deliver benefits such a positive management of wildlife and cultural heritage and the annual Ten Tors helps thousands of young people of differing backgrounds enjoy and learn more about the National Park. Military training was not raised as a significant issue during the public opinion survey or Dartmoor Debates. The long-term aspiration of the National Park Authority is that military training on Dartmoor should be compatible with the statutory purposes of the National Park, specifically through ending live firing on Dartmoor. The Landscapes Review suggested that military training areas might be suitable as ‘wilder’ areas of National Parks.


  • Where the Ministry of Defence has management responsibilities under the terms of their respective training licences from landowners it should support the Partnership Plan vision and objectives through positive management for access, nature, cultural heritage, and responding to the climate and ecological emergency
  • The balanced needs of military training alongside pursuit of the Partnership Plan vision and objectives will continue to be overseen by the Dartmoor Steering Group and Working Party